If a bigger and better penis is what you are seeking, the Extreme Enlargement Penis Pump will fulfil your mission. Presented in a masculine blue shade and made from strong, durable and long lasting plastic, this penis pump can help you achieve a bigger penis and therefore a more enjoyable personal and sexual life. With a 7.5” size, this cylindrical penis pump fits most penis sizes. To use, place your penis in the tub and place the tube against the body to achieve an air tight fit. The pump works with a suction action from the hand pump. There is a quick release valve for reassurance and safety. This penis pump has a special feature: the noduled inner sleeve for added stimulation, making this penis pump even more effective. This penis pump comes with a free penis ring, which is worn at the base of the penis and can help maintain your bigger, stronger erection. It is recommended that you use the penis pump daily to achieve best results.
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